MjamTaart Zoet Magazine offers recipes and inspiration for baking cakes, cookies, (cup)cakes, bread, and many more sweet treats. 3 times a year, it inspires you with sweet treats that are perfect for that season. On top of that, a thicker Christmas special is published in the fall: Eten Magazine. This special holds no less than 132 pages with both sweet and savory recipes.

Magazines Zoet and Eten

MjamTaart Zoet Magazine is full of recipes and step-by-step projects for bakers of all skill levels. With the clear instructions and amazingly styled photos, you will whip up a baked treat in no time. In addition to the most delicious recipes, it also holds inspiring images, practical tips, and interviews with renowned bakers. Eten Magazine is our Christmas special. It is a thick and festive issue with both sweet and savory recipes that are perfect for the holidays. MjamTaart also hosts the annual MjamTaart Cake & Bake Experience. This is by far the sweetest event concerning baking, cake decoration, pastry, chocolate, cupcakes, cookies, and bread. The latest trends, techniques, tips & tricks, it is all there for you to see and experience.

See a preview of the magazine here

The magazine with the most delicious sweet recipes

Magazine publication frequency
3x Zoet Magazine and 1x Eten Magazine

Magazine reach: 22,900
Cross-media reach: 73,000
Pinterest: average of 113,000 per month

baking, recipes, inspiration, decorating, Christmas Special Eten

MjamTaart can also be read via our own online archives and digital magazine platform Readly.

View the media brochure here

Contact Medialijn
Jolanda Ruegebrink
T: +31 (0)314-763735

Become a subscriber here or order single issues here

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